Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Of HDTVs, Media Servers and Centurions

I bought my PS3 from US. And it doesn't play PAL games (which means 99% of the titles available here in India) in my really ordinary 15 inch SDTV. SDTV, for the uninformed, is Standard Definition TV, or even simpler, the idiot BOX, and not the idiot lean mean LCD machine.

So what do I want? A sizzling new HDTV! But unfortunately, yours truly cannot cough up much moolah for a High Def. So the latest buzz is that there's a Samsung 21 inch LCD computer monitor with an HDMI port that's available for 7 grand. Which is rather cheap. So all efforts are going towards procuring that in the near future.

And my home WiFi network is finally set up. I also set up TVersity in my laptop. Now I can watch all my avi files on my TV screen through my PS3. It really kicks ass.

Also by the way, this is the 100th post in this blog. Way it took a while coming. Celebrate, and wine on the house. Whine I mean.


** Sri Harsha Maiya ** said...

Dude, awesome!!

Make sure you have password-protected the WiFi ...

Unknown said...

Yes sir. I have.