Wednesday, December 20, 2006

From Lords above who created life and living

when can i hear the sweet voice which whispers to me from the back....
the one voice which is pushing my lonesome and love drenched life forward..
which is the sail that catches the wind..
to move forward
even in the midst of a foggy ocean. even between tides that consumes me... the lifelessness in the music i listen to... the beat.. the rhythm.. that pounds on... like the beat of your heart.. which has given up... which makes you rise from ashes.... like phoenix... waiting for its next life... how i wish... i could just terminate.. and start all over again.... the joy.... the erratic mood of lilt... the pleasurable moments of adultery.... how will i define it all.... life...... i bow before you.....

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Well first and foremost... sorry to all the regular readers of this blog... it wont account to more than 11 or 12 of my very close friends.

The reason the blog got bogged down was I had a trip to Goa and am still rejoicing on that. Drugs, Dine and Do (the girls that is).

Here i wanna specify on the serenity of white. Why is white so serene... it hardly has blotches... it never hurts your eyes... it gives you vacant space to look at... rather than black... which makes you feel somethings clouded over you.

White represents to me, spotlessness; absolutely transparency. Purity and straight forwardness. When you find spots or blotches in your white of life, you know you are going the wrong way.

but is white always the right way of life? wouldnt we want some blotches and shades in our life. Something we can have a guilty pleasure of. The writer of this blog 'smuggled' hash over a flight. It gives me a thrill and is not all white. So the blotches do account to something.

White can mean you are pure of heart, you are sensible and extremely truthful. But white, do not always make you a good human being. For us being part of what God has created us to be, we have to have shades of grey. Not all good... not all bad. Broaden up... go for your senses, grey up those whites, enjoy life.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


'Revenge is a dish, that is best served cold.'

Uttered Don Vito Corleone in the acclaimed novel The Godfather. The beauty of the dialogue is amazing. I wonder how Mr. Mario Puzo came up with that one.

Revenge is a beautifully satisfying feeling. To take back all the hurt caused by someone in an equally 'hurting' way is satisfaction redefined.

No matter how peace loving we want to be, revenge will always be behind our minds. Father of my nation, Mahatma Gandhi, gave new meaning to peaceful protests, but what he achieved in the end; sweet revenge for taking his country away from him.

Revenge often mistaken to be violent, is a largely misunderstood concept. It is in everyone's psyche to get back whatever you have lost. It might not be material to material. But it can be the high of getting something back from them.

How to go about on a revenge?

For this I come back to Don Vito Corleone.
1) Do not go against the 'wrong doer' at the outset.
2) Plan it up and the let the pressure go down.
3) When the heat simmers down, you know your opponent goes down on defence. She is not expecting any bite back from you.
4) Work it up till then, and charge back. Surround your enemy from all sides, without the chance of letting her escape.

Thus revenge, if executed slowly and effectively, becomes the most satisfying experience in your life; even better than sex. So let me ask all of you, not to go around throwing swears and fists at each other, but hit them on a different level, from which recovering will take some time.

Addendum: The writer is this blog loves revenge dramas, the one which has the planning part of the revenge forming the crux, and the execution, the climax.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Angel of the day

I believe in Angels. Angels are supposed to bring good luck to you. I think everyone of us is an angel. And I am sure everyone of us will have an angel everyday.

Is it religious? Supernatural? I dont think so. Its simply someone who lifts your life to a different dimension. Someone who can make your worst doubts vanish and who finds solution to something which has brought your day down.

Cant we be that? Ofcourse we can.

A friend of this blogger had to help this couple in distress. And she succeeded in that. Hence she became their farishta(angel) of the day.

All of us will find such angels everday; only if we look out for it. They maybe someone who doesnt even know you properly, someone who might bring that extra luck into your daily life and makes you think, 'Oh am so glad this happened'. But we hardly take notice.

Happiness is the ultimate aim for all species. And whoever attains that for them, is their angel for the day.

It can be a friend who you really didnt think of much, a person on the street who helped you find way to someone you care or anyone for that matter. They can really put a spin on your daily life.

So readers, please find your farishta of the day. Build new bonds, and be sure you are someone else's farishta of the day. You might know it, or you might not. But feel the rising happiness in your mind and enjoy it.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Philosophy of Life- from Dil Chahta Hai

I know that the readers of this blog must be getting bored of Philosophies of life. Life as such is a long and complex choice; the views we have on those will be different as well.

As the writer of this blog, I try to find different perspectives in life from daily life.

This determination made me get another one from this hindi movie Dil Chahta Hai.

The movie as such is one of my favourite Hindi movies of all time.

But the philosophy of life from this movie goes rather unnoticed.

The movie is about three friends. A girl is in love with one (Aamir) of the three (Aamir, Saif, Akshaye) but the guy doesnt like her at all. Another one (Akshaye) of the three friends is trying to explain this to the girl.

He takes beach sand in his fist and clenches it hard; most of the sand goes from between his fingers as he tries to cling on to it.

Explanation: The harder we try to get someone or try to keep that person with us, the more distant you grow from that person.

This small gesture addresses the biggest problem most of us faces. Possessiveness.

Why do people tend to get possessive? It is one of the most natural of human emotions. People tend to admire someone/something so much, they do not want to lose out on it. It might be insecurity or maybe you are stubborn.

We have to realise that if we have to cling on to someone, that one person might not be completely yours at all. The harder you try the farther they get from you.

Freedom is a birth right as the Great Mahatma's said some while back. Everyone needs it. Give everyone their space and they will give that great big pie of their life to you; if you deserve it. Let independence be yours as well as the person you are so possessive about.

Visions and Perceptions from your life makes this world a better place to live in. So let us all open up that clenched fist of ours and discover peace.

Change of Address

How easy is it to describe something like a change of address? But is it? For me, its a huge no.

I changed house and a huge change in mindset has come across.

Earlier I had to check if my dogs peed or crapped anywhere first thing i wake up. Now its not. I wake up and think about the sunrise and people close to my heart.

The house is big and beautiful; something you so rarely find in this place called Bangalore (Bengaluru/ Bengalooru). Here you have a 2BHK (two bedroom, 1 hall and a kitchen). The funniest thing about these houses are, the bedroom can be used as a hall or a bathroom or a kitchen and a hall can be used as a kitchen or a bedroom. There is absolutely no feel of an actual house.

No more. We have found a perfect home for us in Bangalore and I am enjoying every minute in it.

Haven't really posted any blog entries from the new house, this is the first one. Expect one soon, maybe tonight, if I trip enough.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Anger Management

Readers of the blog beware- the title of this post is misleading. For a person who has been cussing gtalk for going offline all the time my connection is congested and cursing this page for not loading on time, anger management is definitely not the way to go.

But what we can manage is the result of angry, frustrated outrages.

There is this widespread belief underlined by the fairer sex of the human race, that the things you say when you are in anger, is the ultimate truth. This, they will use it against you in future arguments.

So as much as we try to manage the outbursts of anger, we should manage the outcomes of anger as well.

I say, what you say when you are in a fit of rage is definitely not the truth. The reason is simple. Verbal arguments are almost always used to hurt the emotions of the 'opponent'. If you are close to that person obviously you will know what will hurt him/her. And thats what you use.

So outbursts of anger is always to be taken with that extra bit of spice so that it hurts the psyche. So lets not manage anger, lets rather take the heat off the heated exchange of words. Peace out.

Disclaimer (again): The writer of this blog has nothing against the fairer sex and revels in their company; anger or what not.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Philosophy of life again

There is this one song by Shpongle (please do check them out, they are amazing), the intro goes like, 'you are in a circular vortex.... spinning.... spinning... spinning...'
Apparently its meant to be a chill out psy track.

But consider our life. We are all in our own circular vortexes (or vortii, for all the mathematicians might think). We start our life thinking we will go in this direction. Our ambitions range from being an astronaut to deep sea diver. Then we get pulled by materialistic desires and forget the ambitions. Sex, intoxications and the lure of green paper take a precedence in our life.

Spinning in our circular vortex of life is like being blindfold and made to spin a thousand times. By the end of it, you would not know where you are heading. Worse, you wouldnt know where you wanted to head in the first place.

Do we really want to have a direction to our life? We may, or we may not. It solely depends on the will power of the individual. For probable lesser mortals like you or the writer of this blog, it might not be that easy to stick on to one single direction in life.

VnP urges you to live life your way, forget direction, forget desires. Power of now, as a friend of the writer says, has been the key in life; rest set apart, life is a straight line, starts at birth, ends at death.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Smell- A different perception

You see the smokes, you taste the ice cream melting in your mouth, you feel the chill of the beer bottle that you are holding, you feel the constant rhythms and shfting frequencies of the psychedelic music playing in the background. Is there something missing?

I have covered sight, taste, touch and sound. Whats the one missed out? Oh yes ofcourse, smell.

How come smell gets omitted all the time? It is probably one sense that gets etched into the brains and brings out the most relevant of times back to our mind in a snap.

Be it smell of cannabis, which can be smelled from even half a kilometer, or the smell of the hair of your loved one.

Why does smell always gets pushed to a back seat amongst the other senses?

The reason from the writer's observation is pretty straightforward.

Smell is mostly a very secondary sense of the world. You taste the food, the aroma just adds to the ambience. You see, feel and listen to your loved one, but smell is secondary.

But trust me oh folks here, you can see the picture of your ex, hear her/him, and maybe even have a friendly handshake with her/him sometime. Nothing i swear will evoke the same passion that is ignited when you smell the same perfume your ex uses.

Smell is a sense which humans couldnt recreate for an event. You wouldnt notice smell of a special event unless you come across that smell again.

Smell, again adds to the sensual experiences you have. Be it the smell of the mouth after a passionate kiss even.

So let us not push smell into the background. Smell the world, smell the atmosphere and smell the experience.

Let our perception not be restricted to the mundance four we are made to believe are the best.

Perceive the world in a new light, or should I say, a new scent.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Love- A Comedy

Love is probably the biggest hallucinogen in the world. It warps reality into something you have always dreamt about. It makes you forget how bad you sound when you try a John Denver, Bryan Adams or Chris Isaac when you serenade to your loved one.

The writer of this blog had tripped on this drug more than once during adolescence. You start reading astrology in newspaper with great intent as to what is going to happen in your daily life. Your actions will not make any sense to anyone else.

People makes the silliest mistakes when in love, if otherwise they wouldnt even have considered. So how do people bring sensibility into love.

Third person. Imagine you and your love are acting in a play. You finish your act of romance at its best. Now take a seat with the audience and Shakespear forgive, have a rerun of your act. I am sure events in your play which was supposed to be the dreamiest, the most daring, the most romantic (ah, ofcourse) seems to be much more of slap stick comedy than the romance you had intended.

Perspectives, I assert again, are there in every possible actions in your life, more so in love than anything else. So do not get blinded by the visions that love gives you, open your mind and perceive, coz that my dear friend is reality.

Disclaimer: The writer of this blog do not intend in anyway to hurt the feelings of people in love and believes in the superior power of love to anything else in the world.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Philosophy of life from Patch Adams

Patch Adams: funny movie. I am not here to write about the better part of the movie. But there is, in this movie, one part which had such a profound effect on how I view life. It comes in the opening of the movie, when hes in a Mental Institute acting as an inmate trying to figure out the psyche of others there.
One of the inmates opens up his palm and asks Mr Williams to count how many are these. Williams replies 5, thinking its the number of fingers.
The inmate retorts saying its four and asks him to look whats between the fingers. Between the spread fingers you can see four empty spaces, obviously there, but nonetheless unnoticed.
That is the essence of this blog. What life appears to us, and how life can be perceived by us. In countless ways we normally wouldnt dare viewing it.
Welcome to Visions and Perceptions, where I ask you to view things differently.